Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Caffeine; it is surprising how intoxicating a simple, harmless thing such as caffeine can be, truly surprising. It is even more so, when the same caffeine ceases to have its familiar effect, regardless of the amount taken. Caffeine – there is a strange way I miss coffee shops; quaint little cosy places which transfer you to another world. No matter what time of the day or night it is, within the caffeine trades-shop, it is always the same time of the day - the time one drinks on the “sin” they sell. One cannot buy all with money; true, very true; but one can, however, buy “sin”, if they sell it; especially when it comes in affordably alluring shapes and sizes (referring to the crockery) and of course, (how could I forget this one?) flavours......... ahh, yes, can you smell the freshly brewed coffee fragrance emanating from the little grey-celled compartment in your head, merely by virtue of the remembrance of some odd-café-day-out? Yes, you can. If you cannot, then I am tempted to say that you are not one of the tribesmen of drink-coffee-for-the-love-of-it...... well, well, deny it all you can; or don’t; but that’s just the truth! And with this smell of coffee, which certain strange-headed people find ‘un-fascinating’, comes a sense of one of those café-days. Some favourite coffee shop which the likes of me frequent, a favourite corner and a favourite table, a favourite concoction of not-so-raw coffee beans and the unending hours you spend at it; the particular chair, the particular words of a conversation which now come back to you, the particular people who more often than not haunt that place with you........... all of it......... caffeine......... no wonder people are intoxicated........ caffeine........ and then it ceases to have its effect, ‘cause some old, memorable, rarely-thought-of, sugar-crusted tune floats all through your head, dizzying you, making you unaware of all else....... songs....... and then who needs caffeine?