Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Destiny - Yours and Mine

Destiny - do you believe in it? Do I believe in it? I don't know why, but yes I do. There is a strange way in which things that have to happen just happen. Regardless of the amount of trouble we take to do otherwise. It is odd.... why am I where I am. Why is the world the way it is? What makes me what I am? What comprises the world? Einstein never completed his last work - "The Superstring Theory" as it is popularly known - if I am not wrong, that is. It would have by all means been his best work ever. Work of that calibre and magnitude has since never been done; ventured into many times, successful to various extents. But unequated to Einstein's work. A Brief History of Time is a great book. Einstein might have hit upon something like it - that's what experts say. But all through the book I was undecided as to the stand of the author, Mr. Hawkings, about god. Honestly, I was confused about this bit. But many do believe, however, that Einstein's own equations do actually predict the presence of a Universal Power - now what that is, only Mr. Einstien knows. Einstein had contributed greatly to the quatum theory and had ironically, commented apparently in opposition to it, previous to his contribution perhaps, saying "God does not play dice". It has been one of my fabourite quotes; he implied that God has his own rules, hence the effort to hit upon a theory that unifies all of mankind and the Universe. So the point is - simply that their exists destiny, most possibly. It is interesting to note that theoretically, there were originally ten dimensions. During the Big Bang, the two Universes came into existence (one negative the other positive-cause unknown to me and I suspect, probably to scientists as well) and six of the ten dimensions disappeared,(or rather got curled up - {into the other universe?}) leaving the four that we now refer to as the 'x', 'y', 'z' and time dimensions. Question is why. Destiny, is it? And if it is so, where exactly are these four remaining dimensions and our Universe headed? I don't know. May be Einstein should just have been alive here and now. Destiny exists, or so I am led to believe.