Friday, November 25, 2016

(The Stolen Diary) Flashback 2

Months passed. The Boy Next Door became increasingly elusive. Gradually, the Random Girl tried to let go of the unrest in her head. But she wondered. Why? How? It just would not add up- she wanted to believe there was a reason.

In a while she would travel back home and finally he would meet her. She wanted to unpack her play things. Play their old games. Like old play times. She smiled. He was worried. That there was not enough space in his world for all her playthings and their play times and the happy games they played.
She let him be. And he did not ask for otherwise.

(The Stolen Diary) Flashback.

The random Little Girl eventually met the Boy Next Door. It was a happy day. Just a day. And then she could no longer find him. Again. She had to take the train to some where. And he would not promise to see her again.