Monday, October 03, 2005

Of reflections on yesterday

It was some time back; the cell at the other end rung as I called up; he received it and said, "Hey, Beautiful!". There was a pause for a split second that felt like a... split second.... and then I broke out into a fit of laughter. No reaction on the other end. (This is irritating- I am trying to write this and my editor just messages me telling me they need some goddamn thing to be written for the college magazine- an introduction to the hell interview of some hell minister that the hell yours truly interviewed and compiled a report on ..... being the Cheif Student Editor is slowly getting on my nerves) So I say: "So I am the nth girl you are saying that to - and just exactly what number would n be?" Without skipping a beat he says :" Let's see - my elder sis once- she didn't like it, a friend- was her birthday and she wanted to hear it and that's about it". I asked "And your ex-girlfriend?". "No.", he said. I laughed. He got mad. I said I was sorry. He was still mad. Apparently I shouldn't have asked. Later he got less mad and said, "Don't ask me ever again about her. I'll tell you what i have to". Well that was a sour relation and he doesn't like being reminded of it. So that's that. I asked him - "Why address me that way?". " 'Cause you were looking beautiful today, more than before."- he replied. And that's that. No questions were asked after that. And for those imagining, wondering, speculating, etc. - no, he is not my boyfriend(boyfriend? silly term. I never quite understood it's implication - same applies to girlfriend). And I suppose, the rest is etcetra.

N.B.: I didn't like the ending- so I changed the last bit; I was in a hurry when I posted that or perhaps a little irritated. Work gets on my nerve sometimes.